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Tuesday, December 6

The 2016 Curtismas Card Exchange

Tuesday, December 6

Happy holiday season, friends!

For the past six years, I've held a holiday card exchange with friends—both online and IRL—from around the world. Receiving holiday cards is one of my favorite parts of the holiday, and I like to pay it forward.

If you'd like to receive a card from The Murtis* this holiday season, please fill out the form below. (International addresses welcome!)

And if you're willing and able to send a card to us in return, we'd love it! Just add your email address to the bottom of the form and I'll email you our mailing address.

Full disclosure: Due to current life craziness, cards might be sent out closer to New Years' than Christmas. But they will get sent!

I hope to see your name on the exchange list!

*The Murtis = Murray (my maiden name) + Curtis. It's a nickname that we were given before we got married, and it stuck.

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